Links Sort by: Hits | Alphabetical - No more fun together! This is a big issue, a huge red sign that says “Alert!”. When your relationship is missing in any one of these key zones of trust, communication, intimacy, connection, or fun, it’s time to have a neutral place to talk about your needs and how you can improve the area that’s become a problem. If your family has big problems, and one or more family members is acting out, or has become violent, bringing in the topic of family counseling will not be effective and may create conflicting situations instead. Sometimes things may seem to never be calm enough to introduce the idea of therapy. The short story is : issue keeps appearing up over and over again ? no more fun together ? Then it’s time to think about getting a family therapy specialist involved. For people in Colorado we recommend Road to Growth Counseling ( Their mission creed : to identify barriers to growth, resolve past struggles and focus on strategies to improve wellness, life skills, coping strategies and interpersonal relationships. Helping people of all ages live happier, healthier and more productive lives. Assist people in harnessing their strengths to overcome patterns of emotional issues and personal struggles to reach their full potential. Contact info: tel:3033805526 , 5130 W 80th Ave (Bldg A-102), Westminster CO 80030 - Listing Details |
nlp training - NLP offers a cognitive model and practical tools that can help you improve the health of yourself and others. It is becoming widely accepted within mainstream healthcare that there is a link between our thoughts, behaviour and health. - Listing Details |
Parterapi København - Er parholdet under pres og måske syntes at jeres kommunikation er gået i hårknude. Så kan parterapi være en god ide for jer. Hos Parterapi København arbejder jeg narrativt. Ring for en gratis forsamtale. - Listing Details |
Psykoterapi Slagelse - Angst er en stærk følelse, som er præget af magtesløshed overfor en ukendt trussel. Angsten er altid ledsaget af somatiske fornemmelser, såsom hjertebanken, muskelspændinger, hyperventileren, stærk svedafsondring og dødsfølelse. Angst er jo forsvar mod en ukendt trussel og man danner angst som reaktion på en traumatisk situation. Det er ens Jeg der reagerer på truslen. - Listing Details |
Psychologist anger management Gold Coast - Laurie Brotherstone Psychologist, Everyone has the right to feel valued and worthwhile and at some time in our lives we can all benefit from professional support and assistance in overcoming life’s hurdles. Laurie provides counselling in key areas of psychological concern, including: anxiety and depression; relationship counselling; couples counselling; anger management; developing self-confidence; assertiveness training; trauma and PTSD; addictions (drug, alcohol, pornography); stress management; and overcoming barriers to change. To find out more, please call in complete confidence on 1300 097 233 and speak to Laurie if you have any questions. Our Difference, Our practice is private and discreet to provide a caring, nurturing and trustworthy environment that supports your personal development. Extended opening hours: Laurie works 2 evenings per week to suit people who are working or lead busy lives. Laurie can see people in her practice in Bundall. Laurie offer a highly personalised approach and her focus is to help each person reach their goals of engaging in therapy. Laurie is the Principal Psychologist at LB Psychologists Bundall and has a wealth of experience in helping a wide range of clients. Laurie identified her passion for psychology in her early 20’s and she has worked in a variety of areas as she gained qualifications and experience. These included working with disabled children, adolescents with behavioural and mental health problems, long term unemployed, relationship counselling with couples, facilitating personal development programs in the community, and in a forensic setting within corrective services before opening her own private practice 6 years ago. Laurie’s diverse work background allows her to relate to people from all walks of life and work in a supportive and non-judgemental way with her clients. Laurie uses a diverse style of counselling that includes Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Schema Therapy, Neuropsychology, and Mindfulness and Relaxation techniques to ensure that the ‘best fit’ is found for each client to help them reach their goals for engaging in therapy. Laurie is able to explain things in a way that makes sense and that people can relate to. Her aim is to help people become more resilient and confident to cope in our increasingly busy and stressful world. - Listing Details | - Ce alte beneficii imi poate aduce psihoterapia individuala? Psihoterapia individuala este deosebit de utila si in depasirea neplacerilor cauzate de: Tulburari anxioase, cum ar fi Comportamentul Obsesiv-Compulsiv, Fobii, Atacuri de Panica sau Tulburari de Stres Post-traumatic; Dependente, precum Dependenta de Alcool, Dependenta de droguri sau Dependenta de jocuri de noroc; Alterarea dispozitiei, cand te confrunti cu Depresie sau Tulburare Bipolara; Tulburari alimentare, precum Anorexia sau Bulimia; Tulburari de personalitate, ca de exemplu Tulburare de Personalitate Dependenta; Tulburare de Personalitate Borderline. - Listing Details |
Therapy and Counselling Experts in London - Counselling and talking therapy is offered in a confidential and compassionate space. We will walk beside you as you look at how your experience affects you and impacts your daily life. With your therapist you can spend time understanding the thoughts, beliefs and values that contribute to feeling anxious. This process helps to regain a sense of control that enables you to manage your anxiety so that you are better able to cope with the inevitable ups and downs of life. - Listing Details |